by Joseph Page,
Since 2020, when George Floyd died at the hands of a cop, many people have questioned the need for law enforcement. His murder and other police brutalities have engendered a rampant hostility towards cops, particularly those with white skin.
But merely eliminating or reducing law enforcement negatively impacts all people, including blacks. It should not be proposed as a solution.
Burlington is a prime example. In November 2023, three Palestinians were shot. The same month, the police station was set ablaze. Retail theft has seen a significant rise. Many other shootings have occurred.
Events like these epitomize why police are essential. With less law enforcement, murder and crime increase rapidly. The well-being and safety of society becomes greatly diminished.
At the root of the matter lies the ultra-left and progressive agenda, which has furthered the notion that police are incessantly violent, seek every opportunity to inflict harm on minorities, and must therefore be removed from their positions. By supporting this, we completely disregard law and order, and perpetrators of crimes are not held accountable.
Black-on-black crime deserves the same correction as any other illegal act. Some may believe that the criminal justice system is inherently discriminatory towards blacks, or other minority groups such as Latinos.
This raises a question worthy of consideration: what factors are driving more blacks to resort to criminal behavior? One answer is a cultural problem prevalent in the black community: a lack of fathers. With no adult male figures to show black youth positive examples of how to accept accountability, or serve as providers for their families, crime becomes fair game. An absence of police is not beneficial to black people.
As a young black Vermont man who holds conservative views, I do not feel oppressed. I recognize that racism exists. I am also aware of the injustices of slavery, and later Jim Crow that were faced by black Americans in this country. But I don’t believe in the current race baiting that has reared its ugly head today.
Furthermore, eradicating cops and branding them all as racist will do nothing to ensure all lives, not only black ones, are protected.
True equality isn’t helped by fewer police in communities of any color. While the police system might benefit from training tailored to de-escalate specific situations, the problems in essence are not racial. If we can shift our focus from race and instead work together to restore trust between communities and police, elect law enforcers and politicians who are staunchly committed to maintaining law and order, and realize the valuable role that police play, we have a better chance of creating positive change.
The author is a Johnson State College graduate and former Burlington resident now living in Montpelier and working for Central Vermont Medical Center.
An absolutely refreshing read!